Monday, September 8, 2014

What it Takes to be an Exemplary Teache

The 6 T's
Will I practice these 6 T's when I am a teacher? Reading through the article really had me thinking about the kind of teacher I want to be. 
  • Time
    • Reading and writing versus other things (50/50 ratio)
  • Text
    • Children need a different variety of books they should read
    • high success reading other than difficult reading (Allington Pg.742)
  • Teaching
    • Modeling and demonstrating rather than letting them "just do" an assignment
  • Talk
    • Encourage, model, and support a lot of talk throughout the school day
  • Tasks
    • Longer assignments instead of short multiple "busy work" assignments
    • Let students choose work so they engage more
  • Testing
    • Evaluate student work on effort and improvement rather that achivement
I want to be able to model this type of teaching. Allington explained in the article how difficult it was to do this because it is so against the norm these days of teacher across the state. He specifically said that good teaching should not have to be against the organizational grain, and i could not agree more. It is sad to me that teaching has to be by "the book". People always express to you how important diversity is and using your own strengths and personality traits to incorporate into your teaching, but yet they give you rules on how to teach everything. It is very frustrating, and I hope when I become a teacher one day I can find a way to teach all different learning styles and be a successful teacher.

So how can I be a successful teacher in teaching children to read?
  1. Give children books they can read and want to read
  2. Create a positive environment to where the students can converse with me as a teacher and other students about the book they are reading at the time
  3. Talk to my students about useful reading strategies and good questions to ask themselves while reading
  4. Focus more on my students' improvement and work ethic instead of strictly assessments

Below are some things I would like to use in my classroom to encourage students with reading. I found all of them on pinterest!

In this picture below, I thought would be a good idea for students to pick a stick and converse with groups of students.

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