Monday, October 13, 2014

Word Study

I have to agree with most researchers saying that vocabulary is learned indirectly through teacher read-aloud and independent reading. I want to make sure and have a classroom where children can learn how to evaluate their own vocabulary knowledge and develop a sense of word curiosity that will push them to continue to develop rich, lively, and valuable vocabularies.

How can I do that?

I like the scale for the kids to hold up fingers to describe how well they know a word.

1= I have never heard of that word
2= I heard the word but I don’t know what it means
3=I think I know what the word means
4=I’m sure I know what that word means
5= I can make a good sentence with that word

It not only lets the students evaluate themselves but also the teachers have a good understanding of what words the students struggle with.

How can I encourage independent reading?

When I was a kid, I remember not really liking to read. There is one thing though that always encouraged me to read: the reading couches and loft. In Kindergarten, we had a center in the room that was for reading time. It had a big loft with pillows and comfy couches. I remember looking so much forward to reading just because of that center in the room. I will definitely have a reading center when I am a teacher. I feel it encourages every student to enjoy reading and try new things. I know it did to me.


  1. Kimmi, I really enjoyed the scale idea! This way, kids don't have a fear of being left behind if they do not understand a word. I would be interested to try this in my classroom!

  2. Great idea for the scale rating! Students can let you know quickly and effectively their knowledge of vocab. This prevents misunderstandings within the text, and encourages students to learn more words. Thanks for the great post!
